We Are The Majors

Major league roleplay was founded by content creator Jerutastic and created by another content creator Not AJ and officially launched in November of 2020.

The servers bold name comes from the determination of giving players a home where realistic and serious roleplay still matters, rather than the casual 'shoot 'em up' style servers that have been taking over the FiveM world.

Additionally, The Founder and Director wanted to make sure this isn't basically a LSPDFR online server, meaning in MLRP every department gets focused on and integrated in the RP, LEO Departments isn't the only department that's get thought of when integrating new features to the servers. 

With over 4,800 applications as of 4/22 we take pride in our very strict process of accepting members. The acceptance rate for MLRP is about 6-8 percent since it was launched. We have emphasized on this many times over the last 24 months, we are not here to only fill up server numbers.

With that being said, Major League Roleplay is set to release its fourth update to the server, MLRP 4.0. Since launch the Founder has always kept up with the dev side of the server and innovated new style of RP and MLRP 4.0 is by far the biggest server update, nothing is the same, and everything is excellent now.

Well then, if you're sick of RDMs, VDMs, servers that only focus on LEO Departments and not other aspects of Roleplay, then the Majors is the home for you.

Founder and Head Dev
SASP Colonel (Interim LSPD Chief)


Not AJ
Community Director
BCSO Sheriff


John W.
Moderator/LSPD Assistant Chief

Notable Mentions:

Blitz M. - BCSO Command Staff
Lovell J. - BCSO Command Staff
Joshua H. - CIV Jr. Supervisor